Post in Politics
BRICS: A new multilateralism between heaven and Earth?

[..] Speaking of the potential of BRICS countries, the space aspect is often overlooked. In total, there are around 80 space agencies in the world, including all BRICS countries. However, only nine agencies are capable of producing space launchers, including Russia, India, and China. Only three states in the world have conducted human spaceflights: Russia, China, and the United States. Furthermore, these countries have or have had their own orbital stations.

As we can see, BRICS brings together not only members with high potential in the space industry but also space leaders.

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World disorder

[..] why, then, have the economically and strategically dominant Western nations failed to secure the worldwide denunciation of what is obviously a blatant breach of international law? The answer is simple: it may have less to do with Ukraine and more to do with America. There is fear and suspicion among the nations of the world of being drawn into another showdown between the United States and Russia. Kyiv may be the victim and Moscow the aggressor, but in the eyes of many, Washington is not entirely innocent in all of this. Having proclaimed itself the "policemen of the world", the United States is accused or seen interfering in the internal affairs of other states under various pretexts, including in Russia and China. In addition, Western countries with American traction are accused of double standards when it comes to aggression, occupation and violations of international law: one rule for allies and another for the rest of the world, just as it was during the Cold War. That war might have been cold in the north, but it was burning in the Global South, where Moscow and Washington engaged in proxy conflicts to further their interests, regardless of the human cost.

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On the all things wrong about your stupid and hypocritical "immigration", whatever thing you mean with this term

Someone could accuse me of cruelty but assuming that most Africans come regularly and just a very small number come irregularly, in which an even smaller group meets the requirements of asylum seekers, why should Italy "welcome" those who have no right to stay in the country? And why should Europe do something and there is never a discussion on what those African states should do or already do for those who are their citizens?

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Who is afraid of the dragon?

Today, many countries in the rest of the world are growing in terms of well-being and economic activity. This seriously undermines the current order, highlighting the weakest aspect of this system: most of humanity does not live in the West, and the resources of the planet are scarce. Maintaining such uncontrolled and omnivorous consumption that does not respect the biosphere's natural ability to reproduce the resources we need is the real dilemma of our century. [..] The clash between the United States and China highlights precisely this problem that neither country is able to solve alone. Indeed, the conflict is zero-sum: it does not benefit anyone.

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